Wednesday 15 April 2009

Hospital again

I am off to hospital today. Can't believe this time last week I was getting ready for a bone scan. Today I see a rheumatologist so a long queue at the appointment desk before being herded into the main waiting room only then to be called to whichever clinic area I need to go to.

I just don't understand why when you have an appointment you can't go straight to the clinic area you need to go to especially if you regularly but that is not the procedure. The reason is that at the appointments desk is where the notes are stored and when you arrived your notes are passed by a secretary to a WRVS volunteer who then calls you from the main waiting area.

When I was a medical secretary many moons ago the notes were automatically with you at the clinic and you just passed them directly to the consultant as each patient arrived and they were then retrieved at the end of each appointment and transport arrangements were noted for those that needed them.

So am not looking forward to this morning and the queues at all.

To have to pay for the privilege of parking is also another necessity for me oh well at least I am prepared and have my £2 ready.

Just got to drag this weary body off to have a shower and brush up and then climb into leisure gear in case I end up having further tests that I have already encountered lets hope its not another visit to the "Vampire" blood tests to you and me.

Not lost my sense of humour but nearly did in the last few weeks I have had.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Best wishes


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