Tuesday 15 September 2009

An upsetting Day

I have been to a Macmillan Cancer Support Network Site Specific Group (NSSG) meeting today.

I learnt a lot from speaking to others at the meeting some were professionals others were patients.

I had felt it was worthwhile and learnt quite a lot about cancer journeys of other patients and how to behave at NSSG meetings.

When I got home this evening we put the news on. I started to cry. Steve came into the kitchen and held me. Why? Patrick Swayze has passed away and lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. May you rest in peace Patrick. You will be remembered for a very long time.

I don't know why his death has hit more than that of Keith Floyd but it has hit me hard and I can't stop crying over Patrick. I never met him but his story has hit me hard.

Steve understands bless him and I feel assured that I will not be alone.

Best wishes to everyone
